MOU 36, 63, 64

Employees of MOU 36, MOU 63, and MOU 64 may be reimbursed up to $4,000 each fiscal year for training expenses. Training includes attendance at professional programs, seminars, workshops, or classes in which learning takes place. It does not include reimbursement for membership dues in professional organizations. Employees may also be reimbursed for travel, hotel, transportation, and per diem costs incurred in conjunction with the training.

For more information:

In addition to training reimbursements, MOU 36, MOU 63, and MOU 64 employees have access to training with the Institute for Management Studies and may attend monthly IMS programs. To register, employees should select the local workshop they would like to attend and select “Los Angeles Professional Managers Association” from the drop-down. The City will be invoiced.

Important Notes:

  • The MOU Training Reimbursement Guidelines have been updated to include a policy update requiring that all final, required paperwork must be submitted within 30 days of the completion of the training.
  • MOU training funds for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 have been completely exhausted. Employees may still take training and submit reimbursement requests. However, reimbursements will be delayed until next fiscal year, when more funds are available.

Please refer to the FAQ's document for common questions or reach out to if you require additional assistance.

MOU 37

Employees of MOU 37 may be reimbursed for college level courses related to their careers with the City of Los Angeles. Tuition reimbursement will be based on the California State University and Los Angeles Community College District fee schedules in addition to the availability of tuition reimbursement funds. An approved tuition reimbursement request, an official grade report or school transcript, and a registration fee receipt are required for tuition reimbursement payment processing.

If you have any questions, you can reach out to

relevant documents

Please visit the document library to access related MOU Reimbursement Documents and Guidelines.

MOU Specialized Training Request Form (STR) Form
Affidavit of Attendance (All MOUs) Form
PerDiem ME&I Policy Update Policy
Personal Expense Statement (PES) Form
Controllers Travel Policy Policy
MOU 36 63 64 JLMCTD Guidelines Guideline
Benefits Statement for Travel Expenses Form
FAQ's for MOU Training Reimbursements