The purpose of occupational health is to medically evaluate individuals so a safe and healthy workforce can be maintained; to assist in the prevention and reduction of work place injuries and illnesses; and provide expert consultation. Services are provided by a highly skilled staff and are available to all City employees and departments.
- Alcohol/Drug Testing
- Medical Surveillance Evaluations
- Blood Borne Pathogen Exposures
- Pre-employment Medical Examinations
A pre-employment medical examination is required for all candidates prior to starting the position. The extent of the medical examination depends on the job classification, regulatory requirements and the candidate's history.
The goal of the pre-employment medical examination is to:
- To determine the candidate's ability to perform the essential functions of the job without risk to himself or others.
- To establish a base for future appointments regulated by Cal-OSHA and the Department of Transportation. Examples are Hearing tests, vision tests and lab work.
- o screen prospective employees for safety sensitive positions for drug abuse. Although marijuana is legal in the State of California, it is not permitted for prospective and current City employees under the Federal regulations.
- To determine if accommodations are needed.
- Commercial Driver's License (DL51)
- Return to Work Evaluations
- Immunizations
The purpose of the Psychology Section is to evaluate individuals to maintain a safe and healthy workforce, to evaluate threats of work place violence, to provide post-critical incident assessments, and provide expert consultation. Extensive psychological assessments and testing are performed as necessary by a highly skilled staff of psychologists. Services are available to all City employees upon request.
- Consultation
- Substance Abuse Evaluations
- Crisis Intervention
- Work Fitness Evaluations
- Pre-Placement Psychological Assessments
- Work Place Violence Assessments
- Return-To-Work Evaluations
correctional care
The purpose of Correctional Care is to provide high-quality medical care at three designated City jails: Parker Center, Van Nuys, and 77th Street Station. Medical care is provided for arrestees 24-hours per day, seven days a week. In addition to serving the arrestee population, medical care may also be provided to City employees at any of these sites.
The medical and nursing care provided includes pre- and post- booking examinations and treatment, routine daily sick calls and follow-up evaluations and treatments. When presented with complex medical conditions requiring a higher level of care than can be provided at the jail clinic, local medical centers are utilized. In these cases, there is collaboration between law enforcement, correctional care medical services and the receiving medical provider to assure that the highest quality of medical care is provided.