As a Department Training Coordinator, you are the training representative for your Department. This means that the Training and Engagement staff here at Personnel will look to you to assist with ensuring employees in your department are completing their required training courses. You will also be the contact person for employees at your department and will assist with keeping the Cornerstone platform updated. This includes resetting passwords for those logging into the platform, updating employee information in their user record, running compliance reports for training completions, showing employees how to find and take training, and troubleshooting technical issues that may occur.
We know that this may seem like a lot in addition to your regular duties, but staff here at Personnel are happy to assist and walk you through the processes. Just reach out! We always try to keep all Department Training Coordinators updated and send regular updates, as well as a monthly newsletter. Contact pertraining@lacity.org for any Training Coordinator related questions or concerns.
The following documents are some helpful resources for Department Training Coordinators. This includes help with the Cornerstone platform, training requirements for mandated courses, and more.