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To apply to a Civil Service job, please go to NeoGov's Governmentjobs.com website. Your profile, as well as, current and past job applications can also be accessed via NeoGov's Governmentjobs.com website.
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*Closing dates for Exempt, Executive, Emergency Appointment, Transfer, and Internship opportunities are subject to change without notice.
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A Civil Service (regular) appointment is when one is appointed from an eligible list or a reserve list to a permanent position of half time or more. One may also be granted regular status in accordance with the City Charter. Civil Service (regular) appointment requires you to successfully compete in the Civil Service examination process. Civil Service (regular) appointment allows for the accrual of civil service tenure, contractual employment rights, and due process rights.
These positions are only available for City employees. Please do not respond if you do not currently work for the City of Los Angeles.
An emergency appointment is not a regular appointment. It is a temporary appointment which does not require that you successfully compete in the Civil Service examination process. The appointment may not exceed one year and must be terminated immediately when a regular appointment can be made from an eligible list.
Executive positions are high level executive job opportunities requiring various degrees of managerial or administrative experience. Executives normally manage major functions in one of the City's many operating departments. These positions are hired under exempt status.
An exempt position is considered an at-will position. The individual appointed to this position will not accrue any civil service tenure, contractual employment rights, or due process rights. The incumbent may be removed, without any finding of cause, by the hiring authority. Unlike emergency appointments, these positions are not limited to a maximum employment of one year.
Internships are positions for a student or trainee who will work in a City department, office or bureau, sometimes without pay, in order to gain work experience or to enhance or expand knowledge.
Departments who requested the examination are listed in the Department column. "Various Departments" indicates that multiple departments have requested the examination, or have an open position. Typically, Civil Service positions will have "Various Departments" under the Departments column. If the Department column only lists one department, this does not necessarily mean that this is the only department available. However, some classifications are department specific.