The City of Los Angeles uses a civil service system of employment and promotion. The civil service system is based on the principles of merit, fairness, and equal employment opportunities. After submitting your online application, you will receive an email invitation to participate in the civil service exam process. Read the email carefully, following the instructions and noting important test dates and deadlines. We highly encourage candidates to participate in online testing at home when offered.
There are several types of exams, such as multiple choice tests, performance tests, interviews, and more. The type of exam(s) that you will be required to complete are unique to each position. Each job bulletin includes a “Selection Process” section that details the type(s) of civil service exam(s) you will be required to pass, and the weight of each exam as it relates to your final eligibility list score. This section may also provide information regarding the relevant content that will be covered in the exam(s).
To ensure that all candidates receive the same information, the Personnel Department is unable to direct candidates to specific study materials. For your convenience, visit our Resources page for links to City documents regularly referenced within the Selection Process section of job bulletins.
Once you successfully take and pass the exam(s) and are placed on the eligibility list, the next step will be waiting for an invitation to participate in the department’s internal selection process.