OSHD performs health and safety consultations and workplace exposure assessments on an as-needed basis and upon request. Contact OSHD at per.safety@lacity.org or call 213-378-3611 to request a health and safety consultation/assessment. It is recommended to keep the supervisor and/or designated safety representative informed about the request. Requests via email/voice message should include your name and contact number/email, your department/division name, building address, and a detailed explanation of the location and nature of the consultation/assessment needed. OSHD staff will review the request and contact the employee regarding the request no later than two business days.
Upon knowledge, any incidents including those that result in a serious injury, illness, and/or death of employees must be reported immediately to the supervisor. Following departmental policy, the supervisor and/or designated staff will notify, among others, the Workers' Compensation Division, and the City Safety Administrator of any reported serious injury, illness, and or death at the workplace.
Note: There is also a regulatory requirement for reporting any work-related serious injury, illness, or death to the nearest Cal/OSHA compliance office within 8 hours of employer’s knowledge. Cal/OSHA defines serious injury and illness as any injury or illness occurring in a place of employment or in connection with any employment that requires inpatient hospitalization of any period, for other than medical observation or diagnostic testing, or in which an employee suffers an amputation, the loss of an eye, or any serious degree of permanent disfigurement.
Request for an ergonomic evaluation can be submitted via the link provided below: http://perapp.ci.la.ca.us/ErgoSrv/ErgonomicRequestForms
Note that this link is provided for City Employees ONLY and it can only be accessed while using City's computer networks.
Once a request for an ergonomic evaluation is submitted, an automated email will be sent to the supervisor for approval. Supervisors should be advised that a request for an ergonomic evaluation is being submitted. The supervisor will receive an automated email which contains a LINK to approve/disapprove the request. Once the supervisor approves, the employee will be contacted via email within 5-10 business days to schedule an evaluation.
There is a library of programs, templates, bulletins, guides, manuals, FAQs, and training materials on various health and safety topics posted on OSHD's intranet. Some of these resources can also be used to supplement training materials, safety meeting hand-outs, etc.
Note that the link provided above is for City Employees ONLY and it can only be accessed while using City's computer networks.