An Electrical Craft Helper assists a skilled journey-level worker engaged in one of the electrical trades. Typical assignments involve the maintenance and construction of electrical systems for buildings and facilities; installation and maintenance of overhead or underground power distribution systems; or shop repair activities. Apprentice training opportunities leading to craft positions are available in some departments.
Education Requirement: a.Completion of at least eight months in the Utility Pre-Craft Trainee training program sponsored by the Department of Water and Power; or
b. Hayden Electricity Course sponsored by the Department of Water and Power; or
c. Pre-Electrical Craft Helper training course presented by Los Angeles Trade Technical College; or
d. The 120 hour Electrical Technician/Electric Utility Worker class presented by the Los Angeles Unified School District; or
e. The 600 hour Electrical Technician/Electrical Distribution Mechanic Trainee Program presented by the Los Angeles Unified School District; or
f. An accredited lineman college with a climbing certificate.