Solicitationfor Profile of Personal Qualifications
The Personnel Department, in conjunction with the City Legislative Analyst and the Office of the City Attorney, is updating a pool of qualified individuals to serve on an as-needed basis on the Special Committee on Investigative Oversight to review complaints of discrimination and sexual harassment filed against the City's elected officials to determine the necessity for investigation.Once a decision is made, the Committee will be charged thereafter with ensuring that the investigation is thorough and complete. Members of the Special Committee on Investigative Oversight will be paid a stipend for their service on the Committee. The current stipend $900.00 for each Special Committee Meeting.
The Committee will be comprised of two former judges, two law school professors (with expertise in the area of employment law), and one member of the American Arbitration Association. Qualified individuals interested in being considered for inclusion in this pool are invited to submit a profile of their personal qualifications including education, work history and references.
The Special Committee refers the complaint of discrimination or sexual harassment to the Personnel Department for informal resolution efforts, where appropriate; determines whether there is sufficient cause for an investigation; authorizes an investigation by an independent investigator into any complaint of discrimination or sexual harassment; reviews the results of the investigation to determine whether the investigation is complete and if so, forwards the results to the Los Angeles City Council for appropriate action; and makes rules as necessary to carry out the powers and duties of the Special Committee.
Experience as a:
Former judge or;
Law school professor with expertise in the area of employment law or;
A member of the American Arbitration Association
How to apply
Interested candidates should submit a cover letter of interest, resume, and names, titles, and telephone numbers of references via email or mail as follows: