
Welcome to the City of Los Angeles' Climate and Culture Assessment results website. Here you will find the results of the 2022 Climate and Culture Assessment, as well as an in depth explanation of how it came to be and the methods used in the assessment. The assessment results are organized by the Office of Workplace Equity so you can easily navigate to the results that are relevant to your workplace. You will find two reports for each department; the "Executive Report" includes high-level analysis and recommendations produced by the research team at UCLA Anderson School of Business. The "Detailed Results" contain all the data collected by the research team in its raw form. Most people will find the information they need in their department executive report, but the detailed results have been made available for those who want to see the raw data. Thank you for your interest in the City's Climate and Culture Assessment, and a special thanks to everyone who participated in the survey. We hope this information will be used to develop and inform policies and practices that will elevate workplace conditions for everyone in our City Family.


The Citywide Climate and Culture Assessment is an ambitious project conducted in concert between the Personnel Department's Office of Workplace Equity and researchers from the School of Management. The purpose of this assessment is to measure concepts such as workplace equity, safety, and trust in leadership among the City workforce. Ultimately the goal will be to use the findings of this assessment to develop policies, procedures and trainings that will elevate the working conditions of all City employees. This is an inward facing study that does not include outward facing impacts of the City workforce. The assessment was funded by the Innovation and Performance Committee in early 2021, and a limited RFP was released in August of that same year. The School of Management was awarded the contract and has since worked closely with the Office of Workplace Equity to administer the assessment.

Assessment Apparatus

The survey portion of the assessment was conducted throughout 2022. The primary assessment apparatus was a survey developed by UCLA researchers. This survey was scientifically validated and developed specifically for concerns unique to the City's workplaces. UCLA received nearly 7000 responses, approximately 14% of the City workforce, and comfortably above the 10% desired response rate. UCLA also conducted dozens of Focus Group interviews with employees of all departments, as well as site visits to Police and Fire stations, field offices, and other City Workplaces.